Eucharistic Catholic Church in Canada

Do I have a vocation?

The unequivocal answer is: Yes, you do. Each one of us has a God-given vocation. For each Christian, our primary vocation is to be a disciple of Jesus. Part and parcel of our vocation is to figure out – discern – how God desires me to be a disciple.

While each one of us is called by our Christian commitment to live the Gospel in every aspect of our daily life, God calls each one of us to do so in a particular state of life. Broadly put, these have been understood as lay (single, married, communal), clerical (ordained), and Religious (communal, active, monastic, hermetical, lay, clerical). Each of these states of life brings its own gifts and graces to the Church. Each has its own blessings and challenges.

Our Church welcomes and celebrates all vocations.


Our mission as Church is to be a witness to a Catholicism fully inclusive of 2SLGBTQIA+ people, women’s ordained ministry, married clergy and divorced people. As such we are a place of healing for those who have been rejected and hurt by their Church of origin, and have a desire to live their Christian vocation through Catholic liturgy and spirituality. 

If you are searching and curious about us, please contact us and ‘come, and see’.

As a Baptized Christian you will simply need to adhere to our Profession of Faith to be admitted to membership. If you are not baptized, we will provide instruction and preparation for you to receive the Sacrament of Baptism within our Church. Contact us!

Inclusive Ordained Ministry

-Welcoming both women and men in the ordained ministry.

-Welcoming of married clergy

-Full inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ people as gifts of God in the life of the Church, including ordained ministry

-Diocesan and Religious priests

​-Variety of Liturgical Rites

Vocational Process

If you have a desire to serve as a Deacon or Priest, and/or as a Religious, within our Church, we would be happy to explore this with you. Please get in touch with Archbishop Roger.

An initial conversation to explore your desire and sense of vocation is the starting point. The ongoing conversation will include regular spiritual direction, personal and community prayer, and a customized self-paced course of study toward Ordination within our distance-learning Seminary program.


Are you ordained? Are you looking for a Catholic home? Please contact us to discuss your desire and explore our process of incardination

Franciscans of the Annunciation

On the Feast of the Annunciation 2006, Archbishop Roger LaRade founded a religious community within l’Église Catholique Eucharistique – The Eucharistic Catholic Church. He named this new community the Order of Franciscans of the Annunciation of the Infinite Love of God, also known as the Franciscans of the Annunciation. The initials which members of the Order place after their names are O.F.A.

Following the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience we experience and live our vows as partnered/married or single persons, male and female, all under the same rule of life. We desire to have Saint Francis as a guide to our following of Jesus. We identify strongly with Jesus’ call to Saint Francis to “go, rebuild my Church”. We understand this in the contemporary world as a call to proclaim (announce – Annunciation) the Infinite Love of God for all people. God’s Infinite Love is shown us in the person of Jesus. As Mary, at the Annunciation, said “Yes” to God’s call to her to incarnate Jesus, so Franciscans of the Annunciation dedicate ourselves to live out our “Yes” to God’s call to each one of us to continue to incarnate Jesus through action and word.

In living this call, we have looked for a Franciscan community rooted in Tradition in its response to the modern world. We see this community as necessary in encouraging our ministry while shaping our mission. Membership in the Franciscans of the Annunciation provides this through the making of a commitment to live one’s vocation according to the rule of life of the Order under the guidance of the Guardian-General, and includes regular contact among members, ongoing study and discussion of Franciscan spirituality, and daily prayer and Mass, and ministry.